Note: Customers migrated from our old commerce system should follow these instructions to reactivate their subscription before it expires.

If you cancel your subscription, you can easily reactivate it if you change your mind prior to the scheduled cancellation date.

Follow these instructions. Please contact us if you have any problems re-activating your subscription.

1. Log in to the app where you have a subscription, either at or

2. Click the Account > Manage Subscription link

Manage Subscription menu screenshot

3. If your account has not yet expired, you will see an "Access Portal" button. Click it.

Access portal button screenshot

Note: You should see a portal page pop up in a new tab. If nothing happens, check to make sure your browser or any browser extensions you have enabled are not preventing it from opening.

4. From the main subscription portal screen, click on the "Payment Methods" link and be sure you have an up-to-date credit card entered. Add a payment method if necessary. (For customers migrated from our old commerce system, there will be no card data, you will need to add a payment method.)

5. Return to the main screen and click the box that has the name and price of your subscription showing. You will then see a notice that a cancellation is scheduled in the future:

6. Click the "Remove scheduled cancellation" link and confirm when prompted:

7. You should then see your reactivated subscription!